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Thursday, May 14, 2009 9:11 PM

Some videos i wanna share:
Mr Bean-Dating

Mr Bean-Swimming Pool

I was here (:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 6:49 PM

On Monday I woke up at 11.00am.I brushed my teeth bath and ate my breakfast.After eating my breakfast I watched television from 12.00pm till 5.00pm.
At 5.15pm my mum told my sister and me to go to orchard road POSB bank and withdrawal some cash.We quickly got change and left the house at 5.45 pm.We took a bus there.We walked quickly to the bank as the bank will be closed at 7.00pm.The bank was very crowed so we queued and withdrawed our cash.After drawing the cash my sister gave me her money as she was afraid that she might lose the cash.
After that my sister rang my mum,my mum asked us to go to tekka as we will be having our dinner in a vegetarian restaurant.We took a bus to tekka and we reached there in 15 minutes.My mum quickly rushed there in a cab and she arrived in 20 minutes.We met outside a temple.After my mum arrived we went in the temple and prayed for 30 minutes.
Then we went to a resturant and ate our dinner. It was a simple meal and a simple day.

I was here (:

Monday, May 11, 2009 8:20 PM

Today is Mother's Day I woke up at 7.00am,brush my teeth and went to bath.After bathing I wished my mum Happy Mother's Day.Then we went to the temple and pray.After praying we went home.We rang my aunt who is living in New Zealand.We wished her Happy Mother's Day.I gave the phone to my mum,my mum and auntie talked in the phone for half and hour.After my mum hang the phone i rang up to all my auntie and wished them Happy Mother's Day.I also called my sister-in-law and wish her.She was very happy.
I ate my lunch at 2.00pm.At 3.00pm Yusin and I went to Toa Payoh.We went to the pasar malam.After that we felt very bored so we went to the arcade and played basketball.After playing we went to Pizza Hut.I bought a pan pizza for my mum.We waited for about 15 to 30 minutes for our pizza.After we got our pizza we took a bus and went back home.
At 3.00pm I went to the cake shop to collect the cake that I have ordered for my mum.After collecting the cake I rushed home.I was very anxious.My mum,brother and sister got changed.I quickly prepared the table and set the cake on the table.We celebrated my mum's birthday on Mother's Day.We sang a birthday song for my mum when mum blew the candles and cut the cake.I took photographs while my sister and brother fed my mum with the cake.
After that we wished her Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day and gave her the presents and card that we made for her.
We had a wonderful time spent on the day.

I was here (:

7:55 PM

On Saturday,I woke up at 10.00am.I brush my teeth and took my shower.After my shower my brother and I went to the market to buy some meat,groceries and breakfast.After buying all the items we went home and ate our breakfast.The food was very delicious.
At 1.00pm my started to cook lunch.My brother was watching television while my sister and I helped my mum.The food was readi in 15 minutes. We all sat as a family and ate our lunch together.After eating a heavy meal we went for window shopping.We went to many shops.We were tired so we went back home and took a rest.Then I had a light dinner and went to watch television.Then I slept at 1.00am.

I was here (:

7:44 PM

On Monday,i woke up at 9.30am.I went to the market.I came home and took my shower.Than i went to eat my lunch.So Delicious.I went to my aunt's house at about 11am.i went there for awhile and than at about 4pm i went to Beevi's house to do the english project(blogging).I did it first than Beevi did.She asked me for help for the blogging as her english was not good.Her brother bought us Chicken rice.It was very nice and that was my 1st time eating malay chicken rice.her house was very nice.I saw her sister-in-law.She is very very very thin and pretty.They were very kind too.At about 5.45pm i went home.I took bus 100.It was very crowded.And when my stop came,i couldn't get down.So squezy.I reach home at 6.20pm.I ate my dinner and went to sleep at 11.02.

I was here (:

12:09 PM

Today i woke up at 9.30am.I went to market with my mum and bought a cake for her.When we reach home i gave her the cake and told her Happy Mother's Day.She feed me the cake.It was very delicious and tasty.Than we went to see my grandma.She stays in a nursing home at.It is located near Novena.(Lions Home for The Elders).My aunt came along.my mum bought Cake and wanted to celebrate with my grandma but unfortunately they said only 2 people can visit her due to the H1N1 flu.I could not see my grandma.I was sad.Than my aunt talked to the nurse and she let me in.But i had to wear gloves,mask and the apron(the white thing).When i wear all those things, it was so hot and stuffy.I was sweating.I went up and saw my grandma.We left at 4.We went back home.When i reach home,I watched movie.Than i ate my dinner.I went to sleep at 10.30.

The cake:


I was here (:

4:26 AM

This morning I woke up around 10.30 am and had my shower. At around 11 am I had my breakfast, two pieces of indian bread also known as chappati with some dhal. Today is the last of day my long weekend. I had to finish up all my school work. Later in the afternoon about at 4pm i went to serangoon interchange to pick up radhigka and went to NTUC to buy some groceries. After that Radhigka came to my house to do the english project. My brother bought chicken rice for radhigka and me. We ate chicken rice at about late afternoon around 4:30pm. After that 5:45pm radhigka went back home. At 8pm i ate my dinner. After that i went back to sleep at 9pm.

I was here (:


Radhigka,Beevi and Siva

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Friendster : Friendster
Msn: Msn



Because You Live - Jesse McCartney




May 2009


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